We only carry full grain leather because of its multiple benefits and superior quality.

Full grain leather, the highest quality grade of leather, is the top choice. Full grain leather comes from the hide's top layer and includes the full, natural grain. The imperfections of full grain leather helps provide durability and additional strength. Full grain leather is the most expensive grade of leather to manufacture, often making it the most expensive leather grade for purchasing. And it's worth it!

Because full-grain leather comes from the topmost layer of the hide, it's always unique. It may have slight imperfections and marks that have developed of the animal's life. These are natural and part of its overall beauty.
  1.  Full Grain Vegetable Tanned Cowhide, a luxury leather that uses natural ingredients instead of chemicals, so it is environmentally friendly, that is durable and strong; darken and soften over time. It will be dyed colors following your request by hand with the dyeing of Febing (USA).
  2. Full Grain Vegetable Tanned Cowhide PUEBLO, Badalassi Carlo tannery, Pure vegetable tanned, dyed through shoulders with very unique rustic appearance. This leather has slightly rough feel, however when this has been used over time it will naturally become silky smooth and have a natural patina. This luxury leather uses natural ingredients instead of chemicals so it is environmentally friendly, durable and strong; darken and soften over time.
  3. Epsom Leather from the famous Haas Tannery, is a calf leather, used extensively in many Hermes products as they co own the tannery and produce some other be best leathers in the world. Epsom Leather is an embossed leather so the pattern pressed into the leather isn’t the actual grain so it has some benefits: holding its true shape in all circumstances, being completely resistant to scratching, lightweight and cleaned with a simple wipe using a damp cloth.
  4. HALCY also use some Etxotic Leathers. The type of skins we refer to as exotic are : Python, Lizard, Ostrich, Stingray, Crocodile, Alligator & Shark. It is important to know that exotic skins come from animals that have been sustainably farmed and only in exceptional cases are taken from the wild. In many cases the actual skin is a by product of the food chain.
Below we have listed the main exotic skin types along with details of their origin, CITES status and features.
Origin: Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Vietnam
Features: Lacquered- To give the skin a glossy sheen - this technique will make the leather slightly thicker.
This finish has a higher infusion of oils that make the final product softer to the touch and more pliable.
Comment:Sustainably farmed for both meat and skin
Origin: Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand
Features: Uniquely textured skin which has a small neat pattern. Hides are thin but are not prone to tearing. This makes the leather durable and resilient
Comment: Sustainably farmed for both skin and meat
Origin: USA , Indonesia, Singapore, Vietnam, Thailand
Features: Classic elegant leather which is very well known and sought after. It’s a supple leather that is very soft to the touch. Crocodiles have sensory hair which they use to feel their environment, after tanning the hair is gone but pore on each scale remains. It is most clearly seen of the tail, this is one way of telling crocodile apart from alligator.
Comment: Sustainably farmed for both meat and skin.
Origin: South Africa, Vietnam, Thailand
  • Body: The version that looks like it has little dots on it – which are actually where the quills/feathers of the Ostrich are removed from. This skin is very soft and elegant. The shape is quite irregular and not that wide therefore for belt making we are obliged to join at least 2 strips together to create a single belt.
  • Leg: This is a much smoother shinier looking skin with what looks like little waves running through it. The skins are quite small (generally about 40cm long and about 13cm wide) therefore to be made into a belt we are obliged to cut the skin into 3-4 strips and then join together to make a belt.
  • Features: Ostrich is a luxurious leather well known for its softness, flexibility and durability. In spite of its softness, Ostrich leather is unsurpassed for its tactile strength. It is, in fact one of the strongest leathers available. Naturally occurring oils in the leather contribute to its durability, preventing cracking, even under extreme temperatures and sun exposure.
  • Comment: Farmed widely for its meat. Ostrich skin is very much a by product of the food industry.
Origin: Thailand, Indonesia
Features: Stingray skin is essentially cartilage so it is extremely hard to work with.
You will see Stingray with rougher and smoother surfaces – the rougher surface is naturally occurring but often less desirable so we tend to use a version that has been at least part polished. This means that the surface is filed down so that it is more malleable and softer to handle. The more you polish the skin the more the white of the cartilage is visible and the shinier the skin becomes.
Comment: Under no threat of extinction, this fish provides a useful protein food to many regions throughout Southeast Asia with the skin very much a by product.
Origin: Blue sharks are an oceanic and epipelagic shark found worldwide in deep temperate and tropical waters.
Features: Shark skin is covered in small, close-set tubercles. It is known for its rough, course texture. In the cruder developments of shark skin, it has been used like sandpaper for polishing. However, the finer tanned shark skins are soft and malleable. Our shark skins have extra oils to produce a much softer, almost fabric-like or garment-grade leather.
Comment: The most common of the shark species commonly fished for its meat throughout South East Asia. The skin is very much a by product of the fishing industry.